Interfaith Chaplaincy Institute

Restoring Hope – Raising Champions – Releasing Leaders

At the RAMBIS Interfaith Chaplaincy Institute, our mission is clear and profound: to provide unwavering support, comprehensive training, and essential resources to chaplains across the globe. We firmly believe that chaplains play a vital role in offering spiritual and emotional care in diverse settings, and we are dedicated to equipping them with the tools they need to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those they serve.


Session 01: Introduction to Industrial Chaplaincy
Session 02: Chaplains and Volunteers in Prison
Session 03: Duties of the Emergency Service Chaplain
Session 04: Emergency Protocols
Session 05: Pastoral Confidentiality and Ethics
Session 06: Dealing with Suicidal People
Session 07: Death Notifications
Session 08: Biblical Counseling 101
Session 09: The Building Blocks of Counseling
Session 10: Gathering Information – Part 1
Session 11: Gathering Information – Part 2
Session 12: Personal Assessment Forms
Session 14: Critical Situational Stress
Session 15: Traumatic Stress Reactions and Children
Session 16: Grief and Bereavement
Session 17: Preparing for Approaching Death
Session 18: Healing Conversations
Session 19: Contraband and Search Procedures
Session 20: Anatomy of a Setup
Final Exam




Join our Basic Chaplain Training Certification, a 20-week course crafted for aspiring chaplains. Led by esteemed educational team, delve into chaplaincy fundamentals, ethical practices, and effective spiritual care across various settings. Enhance your skills, prepare for certification, and embark on a meaningful chaplaincy career.


Lesson 1 – Introduction to Industrial chaplaincy
Pastor vs Chaplain
Chaplains in Law Enforcement Overview
The Fire Chaplain Overview
Prison Ministry Overview
The Hospital Chaplain Overview
The Hospice Chaplain Overview
The Corporate Chaplain Overview
The Three Levels of Chaplaincy
Ecclesiastical Endorsement
The Professional Paid Chaplain
The Volunteer / Reserve Chaplain
Visitation Chaplains

Lesson 3 – Duties of the Chaplain
Agency Confidentiality
A Ministry of Presence
Providing Comfort during Crisis and Trauma
Officer Involved Shootings
In the Line of Duty Death
Visit Sick or Injured
Callouts and War-Bags
Crisis Intervention Overview
Notifying next-of-kin in death or serious injury incidents
Victim Assistances
Spiritual Guidance and Care   Page
Special Events

Lesson 5 – Pastoral Confidentiality and Ethics

Confidentiality – Case History
Mandated Reporter
Gratuity and Favors
Chaplain Badge and Uniform

Lesson 7 – Death Notifications
In Person
Time and Certainty
Notifications in Pairs
Use Plain Language
Compassion during Crisis
What not to say
Viewing the body
Workplace Notifications
Hospital Notifications
Debrief the Chaplain
Notification Specific to Suicide
Survivors Response
Biblical Counseling


Lesson 9 – The Building Blocks of Counseling
The Three Building Blocks needed to build a Relationship during Counseling
How empathize with others
Use Appropriate Non-Verbal Communication

Lesson 11 – Personal Assessment Forms
Information Collection Tools
Personal Discovery Assignment Form (PDA)
Marriage and Family Information Page
Discovering Problem Patterns (DPP)
Taking Thoughts Captive Worksheet

Lesson 13- Critical Situational Stress
Dealing with a Recent Death
What is Critical Situational Stress?
Counseling during Critical Stress
Preparatory Checklist for Debriefing
Phases of Debriefing
Common Immediate Stress Reactions
Symptoms during a Crisis

Lesson 15 – Grief and Bereavement
Grief comes in Waves.
Obsession with the Death
Definitions, a quick checklist
Reactions to Grief
When to Make a Referral

Lesson 17 – Healing Conversations
Four steps to the Conversation Process
What to when counseling the bereaved
Communicating with those in Grief
What to Say and What not to Say

Lesson 2 -Chaplain/Volunteers in the Prisons
When Arrested
Maximum Security Inmates
Comparative Chaplain Duties
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Definition of Sexual Misconduct
PREA Reporting Laws
Response Protocols
When to Activate the Alarm
Preservation of Evidence
Victims vs. Perpetrators
Dynamics of Sexual Abuse / Harassment in Confinement
Common Reactions of Victims of Sexual Abuse / Harassment
Communicating with the Victim
The Anatomy of a Setup
How to Prevent Boundary Violations

Lesson 4 – Emergency Protocols
Command Structure
Emergency Call Outs
Providing information
Incident Command Protocols
Prison Riots
Arriving on the scene of a Traffic Accident
The Communicating the right way
Ride Along
Radio Traffic

Lesson 6 – Dealing with Suicidal People
Suicide Callouts and on Scene Protocols
The Jumper or Man with a Gun
Attempted Suicide – Do’s & Don’ts
Zone of Safety
Common Misconceptions about Suicide
Asking Key Questions
Look for warning signs.

Lesson 8 – Biblical Counseling 101
Spiritual Counseling vs. Psychology
Common Reasons for Seeking Counseling
There are Two Major Reasons for Seeking Counseling
There are two goals in Biblical counseling
There are Two Major Types of Counselee
The Five –Step process of Biblical Counseling

Lesson 10 – Gathering Information
Listening and Observing the Counselee
The Need to Gather Facts
Digging Deeper
Active Listing
Listen Beyond Attitudes and Feelings
Control the Flow of the Talk
What is Halo Data?
Learning about a Person from Body Language
Material for Questions
Productive Questioning

Lesson 12- Biblical Process of Change
Carnal Feelings vs. God’s Will
Taking Responsibility
Elements of True Repentance
Renewal of Mind
Maintaining Change
Crisis Intervention

Lesson 14 – Traumatic Stress and Children
Three Basic Postures
Key Points when Dealing with Children’s Grief
Children / Post Crisis Behaviors
Symptoms from Crisis
Ways Parents Can Help Their Children
Dealing with Death and Dying

Lesson 16 – Preparing for Approaching Death
If they die today, are they ready to meet Jesus?
Normal Physiological Signs and Symptoms during the Final Stages of Life
Giving Permission
Saying Good-Bye
Bedside manners
Things to Know About the Dying
Habits of Effective Comforters

Counseling Recap